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A Closer Look
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A Day in the Life of Dust Devil Ranch
Volunteers are the heart and soul of Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses. Without them, we could not actively help the number of abused, neglected and abandoned horses in Southern Utah, as well as coordinate with others throughout the United States doing the same.
- Making Forever Friends
- Gettin' a Pedi
- Ranch Work is Never Done
- Yum!... Carrots!
Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit established to rescue and rehabilitate abused and starving horses.
Potbelly Pig
Meet our Adoptable Horses
Adopt A Horse
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Dust Devil is the only charitable organization I involve myself with, both financially and in terms of my time. I know that every dollar I donate will go to the care of Dust Devil horses, many of which will make this sanctuary their “soft landing”. I have also observed the temperament of horses arriving at Dust Devil as they go from frightened and unsure to calm and relaxed as they understand they are “home”. Ginger has a calm way about her which lets any equine passing through the front gate know they are safe, and they have a fully dedicated woman who will take care of them until the end. I can think of no more worthy organization or individual than Ginger Grimes to care for these wonderful animals. It is my pleasure to be of service to her.
Kim Goe
Donor/Volunteer/Adopter - Board Member 2020 - Cedar City, Utah
It all began for us on Jan 3, 2014. We heard about the horribly neglected mare and filly from our small community. The two horses were being transported to the Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses for immediate critical care. Over multiple days we saw first-hand the undeniable dedication of Ginger Grimes, founder of Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary For Horses. Day and night, Ginger would be in the barn next to the filly Elsa, monitoring her every breath and ready at a moment’s notice to give her immediate aid. This went on for 17 long days. The emotional rollercoaster took a toll but Ginger never wavered for she had many other animals to care for, many other responsibilities. We wholeheartedly support the Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses. We encourage you to become a part of the rescue family.
Will and Gail Arcularius
Donor - Cedar City, Utah
I found Dust Devil a few years ago on Facebook after they had taken on a sweet filly named Elsa. I followed her story and then continued to read about Dust Devil and the horses that they were taking on. I watched and supported them as they helped horses in their area, not realizing that someday I would get my own horse through them. Sammy Lou was born at Dust Devil when his mom was taken in. He had a wonderful trainer through them who gave him a great start. I am so grateful for all of the good work that Dust Devil does with these horses who may need medical care, a fresh start, or a whole lot of TLC and groceries. Ginger, her foster families, and her volunteers put a lot of time, heart, and love into these horses in order to give them a better life. Thanks to all of you for what you have done for Sammy Lou and I and for all of the other horses that have come to you!
Angela Ziel
Adopter/ Donor - Las Vegas, NV
Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses is a rescue that is always caring and Loving and rescuing horses and finding new homes for each one. First time I ever saw them was on the Weather Channel and they were doing a story about a mother and baby horse. It got the whole world's attention and so many wonderful people and volunteers helped Ginger the founder of Dust Devil Ranch. Items were sent to her from all over to help out. We will always remember Elsa and Mother Anna who still lives there. Ginger is so caring and Loving and is a very hard worker she has such a big heart. We Believe in her She is truly a Blessing to everyone.
Christine Lobsinger
Donor - Fayetteville, GA
Ginger is the voice of the many voiceless used and abused animals that her rescue has taken in. I have been following Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses since she rescued a momma and filly that had been frozen to the ground. Little Elsa United many of us across the world to cheer her on. Sadly, little Elsa did not make it. I firmly believe in Gingers mission and help these animals in ways that I am able.
Mary E. Allen
Donor/volunteer - Heber, Utah
I first became aware of Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses in 2014 after the story about Elsa, the frozen filly and her mother was broadcast in the news. Although I live in Atlanta, I was so touched but the valiant attempts taken to save Elsa and her mother that I knew I had to support this organization. On a business trip to Salt Lake City in 2015, I made the drive down to Cedar City to personally see the sanctuary and meet Ginger Grimes. I have been an ardent supporter ever since. This sanctuary is a place where horses get a chance to live their days in a safe and healthy environment. They get medical attention, shelter, food, and frankly, love and kindness. For some of the rescues, they had never had any of those things prior to arriving at the sanctuary. I’ve seen firsthand the amount of time and money it takes to keep a rescue of this magnitude running smoothly. Ginger and Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary are doing lifesaving and life changing work in the animal rescue world and I give Ginger and the sanctuary my highest praise and endorsement.
D. Spector
Donor - Atlanta, GA
Seven years ago, in January 2014 is when we saw the article about a young horse frozen to the ground in Utah. For the next two weeks we followed the ranch and their round the clock dedication providing every care for the filly named Elsa and her mother, Anna
Being touched and forever changed by them all, our support for the ranch has continued to date. Honestly, we don’t know how she does it but ginger’s devotion, dedication and love for every animal she rescues is a gift. There has been heartache at times. However, the tremendous joy seeing the countless horses given a new life, a better lift and a forever home from the care they’ve received from Dust Devil Ranch Sanctuary for Horses outweigh it all. Forever indebted for their service to the animal world.
Terry and Dan
Donors - Williamson, Oregon
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